User Authentication API


I'm trying to set up user authentication in my xano backend. I found the tutorial in the documentation, but I don't have the "auth"-API endpoints. From what I understand I should have added them at the beginning of the project setup. Is this correct?
Is there a way to add it also later in the project? What can I do?
Thanks for the help, Lars


  • Facundo Lucci
    Hi Lars, you can create the endpoints by clicking “add api endpoint” once you are in an api group, then click authentication, then you can add the login, signup, and auth endpoints. You’ll need to have a table set up for authentication (usually a user table). Go to your user table and then “setting” in the the three dot menu. There you can turn on authentication for that table.

    Hope this works for you.
  • Lars Hofstetter

    Thanks very much for the help. I was able to set it up! :) I guess I could have found out that myself. Thanks again for your help and time.