
I am working on a marketplace app and I am using Xano as my backend. I created a table called "Users" that holds the users information. In this table there are email and password fields named "User_email" and "User_password" respectively. I created a Authentication API which includes the 'sign up' API and the 'login' API. The sign up API works perfectly as it returns an Auth token when testing and debugging. With the 'login' API however, when Testing and debugging I keep getting the error message, {"message":"Unable to locate var: Users.User_password"} , even though everything in the 'Check password' in my function stack seems to be in order. Can anyone please tell me what I may have missed.🤷‍♂️Feedback would be greatly appreciated.[Screenshot Xano.bmp]  


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    The screenshot you provided is very tiny and I can't enlarge.

    Make sure you are returning the field in your get record, make sure there are no typos, differences in upper vs lowercase characters... when in doubt, include variable info when you Run and Debug. This allows you to see the details of the function stack so you can find out what went wrong. 
  • Chanda Musonda
    Thank you for your feedback. I made sure there are no typos, or differences in upper or lower case characters. Everything matches up. Would you happen to have any other suggestions?
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    And "User_password" is the correct name in your database table? 

    I'd suggest running it with variable info included and going step by step in the debugger to find out where the error is being thrown