No results when using Paging


When I query the results without paging activated it worked fine. No issues. However. When I activate it and use this as parameters:
[image.png]I get error:
[image.png]Here is the setup:
[image.png]What am I missing? In debugger I get 0 results:
[image.png]But should have been many ( at least 5) records.


  • Vitali
    Vitali Member
    I kind of got it working. I see that I have to Customize the response after activating the pagination.
    When I try the debugger it works well
    But in Swagger it always returns default 20 records
    [image.png]Why is that? What should I change to make it work in Swagger?
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     This is actually a bug. 

    What in the response did you customize that made it work on the live endpoint?
  • Vitali
    Vitali Member
    Hi Michael. 
    I tried to call the api from bubble and I see that it works fine and returns same results as in Debugger. But for some reason Swagger always returns default 20 rows.
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


     there is a bug in the swagger documentation library where it doesn't treat json parameters in a GET request properly.

    The parameter still works but it just doesn't work through the Swagger documentation.

    The easiest fix (if you want this to work in the documentation) is to switch the API request verb to POST.

    Otherwise, if you give me the GET request with the arguments you want, I can show you how it should be formed.