API Memberstack_member... modifications

The tag line to this API says "Syncs Memberstack member to Webflow and Xano. Optionally create items based on membership."

That sounds promising for what I'd like to do - synchronize specific data in a Webflow CMS when a record in the Webflow CMS is updated with data in the Xano tables. I've search around a bit and do not see any documentation or videos that describe what is going on under the hood in this API.  I found a Zap that takes Uploadcare JSON payload and plugs that into a Webflow CMS.  But Zapier doesn't interact with Xano (nor other similar apps).  Webflow does not have a webhook to interact with Xano either.  But this API does.  Can it be modified to synch more than what it does now? where do I learn how to do that?[Xano Memberstack-member.jpg]


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hey  - if you click on the API endpoint in Xano, you can see everything that is going on in this API Endpoint with our No Code API Builder:
    [CleanShot 2022-01-06 at 11.40.16.png][CleanShot 2022-01-06 at 11.40.56.png]
    The highlighted function stack has all the different pieces of business logic that is happening to make this possible. Everything is fully customizable - you can customize the existing functions, delete them, add new ones, etc...

    We have two tutorials to teach you how to use the WMX template:


  • David Richardson
    I went through the WMX clone a couple of times and found myself confident enough to install this on my site.  However I ran into a problem in that I am not able to get Memberstack to talk to Xano.
    I went through the steps in the tutorial but I'm not able to get the functionality I did with the WMX cloned site. Memberstack logs in a new member properly but nothing happened in Webflow or Xano [member] tables.
    I've looked closer at the API endpoint MEMBERSTACK_MEMBER to sort this out but not sure what I'm doing - just working through the function stack on MEMBERSTACK_MEMBER API endpoint.  When I ran the first function in Xano, it failed, I get an error:
    Exception: Invalid argument for sprintf. Scalar values are required.
    Invalid argument for sprintf. Scalar values are required.}
    No inputs are required so....?
    Not sure what was failing so I copied the endpoint of the MEMBERSTACK_MEMBER URL and pasted it into the new webhook form at Memberstack for a "new member "

    It failed in the Memberstack webhook "test": said Memberstack  could not connect.  

    I tested a DIFFERENT API endpoint in Memberstack and it worked.  Not sure if there is a way to replace the MEMBERSTACK_MEMBER endpoint (possibly corrupted or broken) with a download(?)  Failing that, I could reset the Xano site and start over.  Download my tables, would I just replace a good API with a bad API in THAT process.