Query logic fails

I am trying to grab all records where Users.Following has text in it, meaning it is not empty and it is not null.

I have this query for the Users records:
Whether I use AND or OR, i still get back users with empty or null values. 

Any idea why?

Also i can't find don't for what Ignore empty values means in this context or how it is meant to be used.


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Change OR to AND
  • Jay
    Jay Member
     I started with AND and like i said, it still produces results with Null
  • Facundo Lucci
    I’ve ran into similar frustrations and it took me awhile to realize that my field property type was not set to “nullable”. Furthermore, if you’re changing the type from nullable “no” to “yes” the empty values in your table remain “empty”. To null them manually, you can backspace the cell and it will null it.
    However, I created a test “table” tested the query for “table.textfield =! empty” (as you did above in the ‘where’) and it did not return any record with “textfield” being empty or null. And that worked regardless of the field setting being nullable or not. So, perhaps your ‘Following’ field is not actually empty or null, (even though it looks it) which is why you keep getting them back.

    Hope this helps.