How to link enum tables with lists?

Hello, i want to link enum tables with other lists, so when a person enters a value, it reflects back, basic idea no? well so far i have tried to use a for loop to edit the record within the database, i have verified that there are enough spots in the enum table but still to no avail.

[image.png]this is my non working solution, at the moment


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hey  - I'm not quite following what you're trying to do. Could perhaps explain it in a different way?
  • Ramón Saucedo
    Hi  yeah that picture is a mess -don't try to understand it- what im basically trying to do is to transfer the values of a text list into a enum values, so that if an user posts data, he can choose from a dropdown list down the road so the values in another db can match.

    let me explain with a diagram
    [image.png]Basically the user will post in a list of text, the example here is cars, so he will put in brands like [Chevrolet, Ford, GMC, ...] which a dealership can carry, so when a new car comes in the person handling it can put in a dropdown menu (Chevrolet) and later i can match the 2nd database for all the orders coming in and yada yada, without having problems for mistypes etc.

    What i want to know is -how to take a list of text and change the enum values- this could change from time to time probably.
    [Screenshot 2022-01-12 at 00-56-09 Xano.png]
    This is the revision i made (ignore the if, it was just for debugging) now the problem here lies in that i can update the enum, just only the one value, the one that goes into the cell, NOT THE VALUES, so is it even possible? lol 
    Am i missing something?

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     - You cannot update the enum schema. Schema cannot be updated or created from an API call or function