External filtering


I'm trying to send a request with external filtering, but in the end I always get all the records from the table. Can anyone help?

This is the json I'm sending:
"query": {
"external": {
"expression": [
"statement": {
"left": {
"tag": "col",
"operand": "system_module.deleted"
"op": "=",
"right": {
"operand": false


  • Lachlan McPherson
    Hi Fernando,

    You are able to filter your search request by a custom query.
    For example I'm filtering my records by a particular ID in this example:

    As my input, I'm defining which account I want to get the records from. Then I'm using this account ID to return all of the records that match this id.

    I'm also then able to customize the response if I don't want to return all of the values in the table:


    Not sure if this is what you were asking, hope it helps :) 
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     - it looks like you have too many objects - what's the name of your input query or external?
    [CleanShot 2022-01-13 at 17.31.25.png]
  • Fernando Andrade
    You got it right, Michael!! I made the change and now it works perfectly.
    It wasn't clear to me in the documentation that the json name needed to be "external".
  • Fernando Andrade
    Lachlan McPherson this is how I do the filter today, but thanks for your reply. I was referring to the other Xano functionality, which is external filters, from this documentation.

    This allows us to better control the results of requests, without having to make changes to the API.
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     thanks I'll look at any potential clarifications