
apologies if something is not precise as I have no experience with polygons
I found a function that allows you to calculate distance between two latlong, I was wondering if you would be able to also a function to check if the latlong below to pologon defined as an n element array of latlong.
I think it is possible now to assign latlong to rectangular polygon but I dont think we would able to check if latlong belongs e.g. to polygon defined by 7 points.
I understand that than I could store each polygon in the table as an object of latlongs and then use this function to assign specific latlong to the relevant polygon or somehow map it



  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


     in query all records, there are several filters that are available to easily interact with polygons. Contains, Within, and Distance.

    Those are only available within query all records when using a geo type. The other filter you mention above is when you already have the polygon data and are no longer using the database engine.