Setting up sendgrid magic link - URL question

Hi All,

I'm setting up sendgrid to use their magic-link functionality. I'm working through this video:

I've got to the point where I need to add the "magic_link_redirect_uri".

I am using draftbit as my front end - do I need to put a link to the login screen of my published web app? I'm kinda confused as to how to link a url to an app screen otherwise?

Any clarification would be greatly appreciated! Thanks. 


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     - your redirect uri will be from your Draftbit front-end yes. That will be the page of your front-end the user will be redirected to once the click on the magic link sent to their email.

    That magic link will basically be your redirect URI plus a magic token. Once redirected to your Draftbit URI, the front-end needs to parse the magic token from the URL and use that as an input for the auth/magic-login endpoint to complete the authentication flow.

    The follow tutorial uses Bubble however the exact same concepts apply with any front-end, so hopefully it should provide more insights: