I am unsure if this is possible or not with Xano

There are some usecases I want to build to my users. I believe it require to  write some server side logic and run it as a scheduled job.
I would like to allow my users to create some schedulers on their side. For example - When X thing happens, backend has to do Y. 

X here is a user's action based event or a time based event where Y is defined based on my backend logic.

Any leads are appreciated. Thanks!


  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    Can you give a real world example with some more detail? That would help us give an answer.
  • Pradeep B
    Pradeep B Member
    I can give a real world example from a social platform:

    Auto-retweet on Twitter
    Let's say I want to automate this feature to my users.

    On the backend side, I would like to right a condition where "When my tweets reaches to 100 likes, retweet those tweets automatically.
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    thanks. You would do that by storing an enum or boolean on the tweet for when 100 likes happen. So likes_100: boolean

    Then create a background task that checks for tweets that are greater than or equal to 100 but have likes_100 == false.

    Retweet those and set likes_100 = true