Video Series Database Structure

Hey guys,

Hope everyone is doing well.

I am trying to create a database for videos in a series. I want it to have a title, poster photo, description, length, video preview, year, category, and then the seasons with at least 30 videos in each season. I've managed to do everything except the seasons, I'm kinda stuck in the structuring aspect!

Help please!!!


  • Facundo Lucci
    Hey Tariq,
    Good work so far! I definitely recommend watching some the app clone build videos on youtube to get a sense of decision making while building out your database.

    I’m going to assume each season will have information tied to it other than a number. Like dates, title, maybe access permissions.
    I would create a “season” table with all it’s specific fields.
    Then on your “video” table add a field using table reference to season. Now for each video record you can select which season it belongs to.

    Otherwise just an integer will do.

    Hope this helps