WORRIED! WORRIED! User table disappeared. Login, Sign up APIs previously working, not generating aut


I had Login and Sign up APIs previously working perfectly, pop a "token expired" message.
I already posted for help on "Help! I'm a noob" group.
And I come back to check later, my whole user table is gone..

WHy did I face this?
Is this a random thing?
or, is it because there's some expiry on things.

Because, how can I rely on using the tool, if such occurance takes place.
Losing tables is minimum damage. Does this happen with the API's one created.

I am a lil worried.

[image.png]Edit: Now I can't even manually add a user record?????!!!!!!




  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     token expired means your Xano session expired, you need to log in again. Please log back in and you should see all your data hasn't gone anywhere. 
  • Prathyusha Chilagani
    Hello Michael. 
    Thanks for the response. 

    I remember logging back in today and post to it I didn't see the data. 

    But, I DO see it now.
    I don't know how it happened.  

    Thanks again. 

    SOrry if I've alarmed you/anyone. 
