Pagination not working

I have some problems getting pagination to work. 

1st Problem: When I activate pagination with metadata it returns no results (But there are 300+ records in the database):
[Bildschirmfoto 2022-01-29 um 11.00.31.png]Result:[Bildschirmfoto 2022-01-29 um 11.02.11.png]Remark: "Account_connection" is an add-on I am using in the output.

--> If I deactivate metadata it works.

2nd problem: External pagination has no effect. When I link a json with external params to the pagination it has absolutely no effect. 

I create a json object (In this example I want to show page index = 3)[Bildschirmfoto 2022-01-29 um 11.00.52.png]Then I link the json to the external pagination.[Bildschirmfoto 2022-01-29 um 11.01.06.png]
--> But the result always shows page=1 (Or no results if metadat is turned on, see above)

Has somebody similar issues? Might this be a bug?
