From XANO to S3

Hi, is it possible to send files from XANO to S3? AWS or WASABI? Thank you very much.


  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


     yes it is through the API Request function stack item.

    You still need to figure out how to send it based on their API but it is doable through that.

    We are looking at adding integrated support to make this easier but that is still a month or so away.
  • JJ
    JJ Member
    Hi ,
    Thanks for the swift reply. Yes I am trying to look into their documenation, but not my cup of tea yet :D. Integrated support would be amazing. I will see if the meanwhile I can decode this jigsaw. Thank you very much.
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    Yea I hear you on that. Some of these 3rd party APIs are a bit ridiculous in complexity unfortunately.