Webflow form submissions

Many know that Webflow allows a single webhook for form submissions.  It's not like separate webhooks for every form.  One webhook for ALL your forms.  I've got more than a few forms where users create and update information.  I capture the form name from the various forms when there is a submitted form in the JSON.   I will be doing all the CRUD according to the form name.  I'm looking for the most efficient way to sort the 30 or so Webflow forms to perform the appropriate tasks for each

I have a DB table that holds the form names and the API endpoints appropriate to each form submission.  Once I know which form has been submitted I know which API endpoint that would complete the tasks needed.  But can't see a way to redirect the JSON data to that endpoint.

The rather clunky way I'm looking at this is with a custom API starting from scratch and with If statements asking "is it this form"..."is it this form"...."is it this form"... testing which forma has been submitted.  And then effectively recreating each CRUD API from scratch.  

Seems like there should be a more efficient way to do this that many people using Webflow and Xano would appreciate learning about.
