Accessing Subpath

I'm running a for loop against a list of queried items.

Within the for loop for each item, I want to lookup the specific item's 'unique_id' . I'm having trouble accessing the subpath to input as the search query.

I've tried item.unique_id and item.response.unique_id - all return not found in the debug mode.

I can see how this is done for external json (i.e. copy the json then paste into the subpath and select the subpath). How do I access of subpaths of items created by Xano?
[Screenshot 2022-01-31 at 19.46.10.png][Screenshot 2022-01-31 at 19.46.18.png]


  • Mitch
    Mitch Member
    from the screenshot, it looks like you haven't specified what you're looping through.  Here's an example: [image.png]after that, item.unique_id should work.

    is "unique_id" a separate field from xano's internal id?
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     is correct. It looks like you aren't looping through anything