Global Enums

I am trying to add a column called "account_locked" to the users table. There are different reasons why an account is locked and there is also a flag if it is possible for the user to get unlocked ever again. There are the Enums which could be used to store the different values e.g. "too many login tries", "account is fraud", "account is inactive". We would also need a table where the flag is stored if it can be unlocked at all. So, this table would ideally look like this:

CREATE TABLE accountLocks (
id ENUM('too many login tries','account is fraud','account is inactive') PRIMARY KEY,
unlockable BOOLEAN  

In the users table the field 'account_locked' could be stored as foreign key to the accountLocks table and also uses the same ENUM. For this the ENUM would need to be global (to be used in both tables). Maybe there is a better/different solution for this but this is how I would do it in PostgreSQL using JAVA.