Importing List of Integers or Text entries from .csv

This is my first post and I am new to Xano, but not to dBases.  I have decided to split my Bubble app up and offload the dBase into Xano for performance reasons. I have exported lots of tables from Bubble into .csv format and they all contain many fields that are either a "list of" integers or a "list of" texts.  When I import these tables into Xano the relevant fields do not maintain these lists.  All other field types import as I would expect.  I can enter data manually into the new Xano table as lists but that is a very cumbersome and huge task for me to do that for even only 80 records (most records have Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday et al or 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 in them!).  I have tried both methods of importing by importing a whole new table including the definitions, and by creating the table and field types first and importing just the records, but I get similar results. Am I doing something wrong as it all appears straightforward but just not working as I would expect.  Any help / pointers appreciated. Thanks, Trefor


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hi Trefor - I don't believe list of that nature is supported yet. What you should be able to do is import the list as raw JSON data type. You could later create a function or background task to migrate the JSON field to a text or integer (depending on what you want) list type.