Debugging not working

I started seeing this yesterday:
[image.png]It only happens when there's an error.  I get the error response, but that's it.  And toggling INCLUDE VARIABLE DETAILS DURING RUN doesn't do anything.

When it runs successfully, debugger shows all the steps as normal


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     - Are you by chance receiving an input error? In this case, the debugger wouldn't run because there are no variable details to report. 
  • Mitch
    Mitch Member
     - can no longer recreate this... and my memory is that of a goldfish.  It could very well have been that.
  • Mitch
    Mitch Member
     - I came across this again.  Indeed an input error.

    That said, I think I still found a bug attached.  Weird scenario, so not sure how common it is.

    The inputs for the api are linked to the database

    I then changed a text field in that database into an integer/linked database (decided the text input needed to be in a separate table for other reasons)

    I then started getting the input error about trim not allowed on integer.  I deleted the field I converted and re-added it, but still got the error.  It cleared when I removed the database link to the function inputs and re-added it.

    For what it's worth