Bad file bandwidth

Maybe I'm miss understanding this but the file bandwidth looks to be way too low for all plans. And to add 100GB of file bandwidth is expensive too.

My site will have a homepage of about 4MB and at least 25k users a month so 25000*4=100000/1000=100GB and then they will load the page multiple times. I also have pages that are a lot more than 4MB.

Alternatively, OVH offers a dedicated server that allows a bandwidth of 1gbps and uncapped monthly (I think).

This pricing is not viable at all, I, of course, understand that XANO doesn't just offer a server but regardless it would be too expensive to scale In my opinion.

Maybe I'm getting something wrong? And I really hope I am because we have already built out some of the site on XANO.


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     - we've found that the bandwidth on the plans accommodates the majority of use cases. And users gradually scale as the demand requires it. 

    We do recommend that users with media intensive apps like yours utilize media storage through a cloud storage service such as an Amazon S3, etc. so you can have full control over you media storage and bandwidth.

    Also, to clarify Xano does come with a server - this is one of the core pieces of the Xano backend. All our paid plans come with a dedicated, single-tenant server. 
  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
     Are you loading the whole site from Xano, as opposed to just the API? Would love to understand as I get deeper into all this.

    In my experience, most of those transmitted bytes are from getting image assets that are part of your static/cdn hosting (e.g. netlify, vercel) and the API (e.g. the xano bit) is much thinner than that, and called by fewer users. But maybe that's not your pattern - hence my curiosity!