Status 200 but can't retrieve.

I've started running into some pretty consistent issues posting image data to a XANO table. I have a POST api endpoint that receives an image buffer and stores it in a table. It will work consistently and very responsively for a hundred or so images, and then inexplicably it seems like I'm crashing the server that my instance is running on because I can no longer retrieve them.

This happened the other day, and I was told that I was sending invalid image data. But I can attest that this is not actually the case. I can send the same 100 POST requests at a different time and they're working.

I'm debouncing on my end, so no more than one request with an image of <500kb is being sent per 2 seconds.

Has anyone else run into this issue? The header image in this post "Sorry. An internal error occured." is the page I get when I try to visit the image URL that's stored in XANO after my post action. Most of the time it works, but when it stops working, it stops working for up to an hour before I it "catches up".

What am I missing about the limits of XANO, or is something else going on? Any advice on how to further trouble shoot this? I'm on a paid plan.

I'm also frequently seeing this message which seems like there's something wrong with my back end storage allocation:

{"message":"Unable to create directory: /xano/storage/vault/T9Q4wJQv/765/708"}
Furthermore, in the above image you'll see that only the first row has rendered a valid thumbnail image. But I can now click on some of these images and the full-sized image actually loads without issue. But it won't render the thumbnail.[Screen Shot 2022-02-15 at 16.36.26.png]


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Just to bring to a close for others, through support we discussed that your instance had met your media storage limit, which we've since resolved. Resource monitoring on this will be live shortly.