Xano x Outseta x Bubble


Hi there! Has anyone built their SaaS product using Xano x Outseta x Bubble. I have been playing around with Xano and Bubble for a couple of months now but having been introduced to Outseta this seems to make a lot of sense.

The purpose of each tool would be:

Outseta - Authorizations, subscriptions/billing, email marketing
Bubble - Front end
Xano - Backend for Webapp

The product I am building is an internal linktree - e.g. you open a new tab and everyone within the company (that is logged in) is presented with their links/tools (here is a little snip of a prototype I built for myself in Adalo incase interested).

A couple of qustions:
1.  Does this stack make sense for this use case?
2. Are there any other tools I should consider?
3. I'm a relative noob - is there anything else that you think would be helpful for me to know here (all advice welcome).



  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hey  that stack certainly makes sense. I've seen users build with that stack and also using other front-ends with Xano + Outseta.

    I'm not sure you'll need any other tools - sometimes you don't know it until you run into that although from a backend and API perspective - you should be able to handle everything in Xano. 
  • Sam Holding
    Thanks for the validation  ! Much appreciated as always.