tick with Query All Records

I always change the return variable for my database requests.  With Query All, if you change the variable name and then edit the return settings, it will revert to the default variable name after.

Not a big deal - I just keep forgetting it happens until after it happens 🙂


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    got it, so this is before hitting save and continuing to make edits?
  • Mitch
    Mitch Member
    yep - before hitting save.  Only happens if you edit the return settings... guessing it treats it like opening a new "window"
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Yeah it does. We have it as a high priority to improve saving - and/or auto-save - but there's quite a bit of nuance to think through with that actually looks like. For example, if you're not finished editing a query, at what point to execute a save and when does it trigger a version history. So still some things to figure out for optimal saving