Addon: How to use record id in a nested addon?


I use two addons in an output if a record:

1) The first addon uses the ID of this record to retrieve matching results --> works fine

2) The second addon is nested in the output of the first addon and also uses the ID of the first (!) record. Unfortunately the id of the first record is not available for the nested addon in Xano, I cannot select it as an input var for the nested addon.

See picture below. Does anyone know a way to pass my ID to the nested addon?[Bildschirmfoto 2022-02-26 um 13.14.24.png]


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     - sounds like you want the second add on nested under the parent object just like the first - since it is related to that object. You can have as multiple add ons under the parent.