Xano to Integromat

 Hello there,
I want to link Xano database with Integromat I was creating external API request  function in Library  
 Then I use this function here in my API (I do not know if this right place to use it here or no ) but how can I link it with Integromat ?? [image.png]someone told me to use webhook but I do not know how? 
Please If any one know how to do this I need your help 😢😭


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Hi Noof! What are you trying to accomplish with the integromat integration? Some details might help point in the right direction as to which resources would make a difference. For example, there is a function step that will call an external API - which is how you would start a scenario via integromat webhook trigger, Or you could tell integromat to call a Xano endpoint via a webhook action.

    But what to use - and how to use it - depend on why you want to use it - the job you are trying to get done. If you can share, maybe I or others could help more!
  • Noof Soud
     I want to create a scenario in Inegromat and use Airtable also in all of this tools Xano in the path of cycle (this is the main task)

    Now I want to send the API output function  (what ever the result If it's search or update record etc.) from Xano to Integromat ?

    and I have another question how I reverse data flow from Xano to Airtable ( I send my table from Airtable to Xano and it's work)

    Thank you 
  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
     Xano has a function called "external API request" that should help here. To add a function to your process, click the "plus" button on the right of the function stack. Select the bottom option: "External API Request."  does a great job of walking through this process in the documentation.  

    To go from Xano->Integromat, you can use this to o call an Integromat webhook trigger. Set up the scenario on integromat, and feed the URL back into the form in your "external API Request" in Xano. 

    The same basic principles apply to calling the Airtable  API. After making a base, you'll get URLs for making your data changes. You call them the same way. 

    A lot of this is detail work, but all completely do-able!
  • Bhupesh Singh Rathore
     Hey , I would love to contact you regarding this. Can we talk?