Free Instance Performance Fixed

This has been an ongoing game of Whac-A-Mole - however this time I think we have officially resolved the issues.

The challenge with the free instance is that it has so many users and database tables that extreme detail to database query performance is needed. Something that is fine today, might be bad tomorrow just based purely on a few more users that push something over the edge in terms of database performance.

On a positive note, this also helps stabilize the product big time. Since there are so many users working on their own workspaces at the same time, it is a great way to stress test the product. However, we sometimes end up with performance fluctuations like several community users have been noticing over the past week or so.

I wanted to just take a moment that we really appreciate everyone's patience. While we always offer the premium instance solution which has none of these problems due to dedicated solo tenant resources reserved for only your usage, we stand by our free instance and will continue to do so as it is a great way to test out the product without commitment.