Using URL Payload to extract JSON Data


Hi Everyone, I have an API that returns a URL to download a payload of data. The payload is a json package that is quite large (~25mb).

Is there a way to parse the json in XANO so i can work with payload response in a function/worklow?


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Sometimes these are solved through experimentation. Does 1) calling the API using external API request  and collecting the URL into a variable, and then 2) calling that URL using external API request generate a parsed object for you? If possible, screenshots would help render assistance. 
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


     Ray said it best. This should be straightforward. My only hesitation is that 25mb is large for json so there may be a memory issue.

    Make sure to disable debugging when trying it out in run and debug, to keep the memory footprint minimal.