Auth0 Extension needs 1 Item

I am trying to use the Auth0 Extension demo and getting an error message "At least 1 item is needed".  I have entered the Auth0 domain, clientID and secret key.  I have also entered the Auth0 api group base url.


  • Ken Wardwell
    I have found an error log in Auth0 for this issue.  It is: 
    invalid_request: The redirect_uri parameter is not valid: "" If url looks fine, check that you are not including non printable chars.

    The callback url is set to
  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Can you share a screenshot? Without the auth key/secret of course.
  • Ken Wardwell
    I attended office hours last night and received input on the issue.  I will share later after I try some of the recommendations
  • Ken Wardwell
    The cause of this particular problem was a field was added that was added to the user table that required input that wasn't available.  We excluded the offending field from the Xano function and everything worked.  The root cause was we included profile data fields in the user data table instead of making a separate profile table.