Password Reset API problem

Hi all,

I'm using the Password Reset API. When I use the debugger, everything ist working. But if I make a API call in Retool It somehow doesn't work.

I get the result: "Invalid name: mvpw1:11"

What I'm I doing wrong?
I attached screenshots below about how I do my call.

Thanks for the help,
[Bildschirmfoto 2022-03-07 um 17.34.12.png][Bildschirmfoto 2022-03-07 um 17.11.27.png]


  • Lukasz Kwiatkowski
    can you show retool's request + your query from the user table
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


     it looks like maybe this api endpoint was there at some point and then you deleted a user database table and then created a new one?

    Your endpoint is still trying to do authentication on the deleted table.

    You can fix this by clicking settings on the api endpoint and going down to the Authentication block and setting it to the table you want to authenticate against. Then everything should be back to normal.
  • Lars Hofstetter
    Awesome, it worked. Thanks a lot