Filter to get an object based on key/value match in same array item


I want to use a filter to get the "parties" object where `region_abbreviation` matches an input. How would I do this in Xano? I think it's a combo of Get() + Map() or Keys() but can't figure it out.
"region_label": "United States",
"region_abbreviation": "us",
"parties": [
"party_code": "A",
"party_label": "Democrats"
"party_code": "B",
"party_label": "Liberals"
"region_label": "Australia",
"region_abbreviation": "au",
"parties": [
"party_code": "A",
"party_label": "Aussie Greens"
"party_code": "B",
"party_label": "Aussie Liberals"
Ps. if you have any advice on a better way to store this data, I'm all ears 😃  
