Where is the Xano team?

They should be more in the community. I spent more than 20 hours on something that should be easy with their ¨No Code¨ builder. But come on, I followed all the tutorials, step by step. An always something is not working and I have to spend hours checking the information. 


  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    Hey ,

    Sorry you are having issues. We are here everyday in the community, hosting office hours, and answering support requests.

    I just checked the support queue and don't see anything from you. If you are having issues, then please provide more detail so that someone can help. You can do that here in the community or through support if the contents are more sensitive.
  • Lachlan McPherson
    Hi Stefan, 

    Your comment seems to be more based on your understanding of how to use the platform, as opposed to the platform and the team behind it. I also have struggled with what may seem simple, but the best part is once you learn how to overcome that issue you've now got a skill added to your toolkit. 

    The more time you spend in the platform the more skills you have in your toolkit. Xano is in itself a coding language, if you're needing to learn C++ or JavaScript, you need to spend some time learning the language first, and even then you still need help from time to time.  Because Xano is so broad unlike other no-code connection tools, it means that there are fewer guide-rails to point you in the direction of achieving your ultimate goal. But because it is so broad, it means that you're unlikely to hit many functionality walls in regards to achieving your ultimate goal, the limitation is really your creativity and persistence. 

    Keep at it, from my experience as Sean mentioned above their support team is great and have helped me resolve my little concerns usually very promptly.. Best of luck!