Unable to locate var: Users.Password

Hey All,

I started with Xano's basic three signup, get user & login API functions. Both Signup and get user work great. But the Login not so much.

I didn't change anything, and I've deleted the function and re-made it multiple times. Every time I get "Exception: Unable to locate var: Users.Password"

Any ideas?


  • Lachlan McPherson
    Hey Bailey, 

    Can you check your users table and check the password field? Is this 'password' or 'Password"  remember that case sensitivity is important.

    Are you also able to post a screenshot of how your "get record from users" section looks within your function stack. 
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Also check to make sure your password or Password field is being included in your Get Record response - by default password fields are typically hidden from a response so you'll have to manually include it. 
  • Bailey Fisher
     This was it! Thanks so much.