WMX Webflow "type error artworks.forEach is not a function"

I am use the concept of the WMX template to display items (artwork images).  I believe that the JSON produced by my API in Xano has something janky. " https://x8ki-letl-twmt.n7.xano.io/api:arLEd2EP/artworks
The API endpoint works in a browser and will display the contents of the table.  The JavaScript is basically a copy of the getRestaurants function of  xano-webflow-api-simple.js (For brevity I deleted Prakash's comments)[not a function.jpg]I'm not clear if I need to alter the API response or the code in the JavaScript.
"artworks" is an object with an array of 12 objects ["items"] each of which is an array.  This is the URL to the pen:  https://codepen.io/david78737/pen/yLPmpGo[JSON.jpg]


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    I think you mean to use

    on line 28. Does that help?