Forward Slash changing to \/

One of my APIs takes URL as a parameter. While I enter "!/6e7e3ded-4c26-49fc-9ab2-ba80f5d926e2", it gets changed to "https:\/\/\/6e7e3ded-4c26-49fc-9ab2-ba80f5d926e2", leading to further errors.


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Can you post a screenshot? This is JSON encoding of the string - normal if one is in the context of JSON, but maybe not in this case - maybe we can see a switch to flip that lets you fix without waiting for the xano team?
  • Vikrant -1766326
    Hi ! First image is of the original link that goes into External API.[Screenshot 2022-03-13 at 8.57.55 AM.jpg]The following is the link from Debug view. See how it has transformed.
    [Screenshot 2022-03-13 at 8.58.31 AM.jpg]
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    It has the extra slashes in the output due to it being inside a json payload. This is 100% correct and those slashes don't actually get used. That is just how it is stored inside the json payload.

    If you accessed that element directly with dot notation, then it would be exactly how you expected it.

    Let's pretend there is a variable "params" that has that payload. Then you could do params.body.statusCallbackUrl and it would be as you expect.
  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
     Thank you! Those slashes are correct  in the JSON encoding context visible on the screenshot, but you mentioned that you are getting errors, so maybe the context is the problem? Can you share the error message you are receiving, perhaps in another screenshot?