Transfer request body to an external API

I am creating a proxy that converts a Xano GET request to an external POST request.
I am trying to transfer the received body to the external request but can't manage to do it.

When using the "Get all input" function with the JSON format, I get a "Unable to decode input" critical error.
And when I use it with the NONE format it seems to be working (gets the request body properly) but as it's formatted as text it messes up the formatting when sending the request back.

Anything in mind to solve this? 🙂


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Can you share the function stack you're working with in a screenshot or whatever is most convenient? This has the smell of converting a GET HTTP-encoded query string to a JSON-encoded post, and just needing to do a little more in the middle to get from A to B.