Filtering a list with React Studio + Xano

I am sorry if the question is pretty basic but I am just learning. I already have a table in Xano with a list of posts. Each post has a "tags" field which has been created to filter these posts by the user. I know that in Xano I can go to the API and configure it introducing one input and then a conditional in the filtering option. I did it like this:[Captura de pantalla 2022-03-14 a las 13.31.23.png]My question is how do I connect a dataSlot in React Studio with that input field? I have already connected React Studio with my Xano database but I don't get how to make the connection to filter the list.



  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hey  have you checked out React Studio's YouTube channel? They have several in depth videos on using React Studio with the Xano connection -

    This might be covered in there. Their team is also good at responding if you open a support ticket with them. 
  • Pedro Martínez
    Thank you so much for your answer  . Yes, I have checked and I believe I already found the way to get it done. I am just learning and I was not pressing the right key. Thanks!