Outseta extension sync issues

Hi everyone, I have had problems integrating Outseta into my Xano backend, it works properly with the demo which Xano gives, but the moment I change something, it stops working, If I change the post login url, for example it doesn't sync my Outseta contacts.

The only big change that I could mention is that I had my domain name authenticated by Outseta, but even then, Xano's demo works correctly.

So far I have had no luck looking into the APIs
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Yes the Xano demo is only designed to show you an example of the extension working with a mock front-end. Once you start changing things to fit your actual front-end then the demo won't work - this is the point where you should start trying to configure your actual front-end with the endpoints + Outseta
  • Ramón Saucedo
     I Just don't get how exactly can this work exclusively for the xano demo if you only used embeds, shouldn't this work out of the box? globally? or are there other apis?

    Sorry for all of this it's just kind of confusing