type conversion Should be easy...

When I submit a form from Webflow to update a record, it's sent as JSON - a string.  The value I want to isolate is the id, like "20" - a string.

To use the string "id" to locate the record to update in my table, I need to convert it to a type int.  It's not clear in the Xano function operations where such a conversion is available.

Seems like that is pretty basic.  I think the JavaScript is id = Number(id) but just don't know where to look.  Is it a custom function?


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    This is a conversion filter... (Add Filter > Conversion > to_int). You can also just type in to_int you will find it right away
  • David Richardson
    Thanks Michael.   After I wrote the question I remembered the procedure Prakash set up in the WMX part 2.  Since I have webhooks.site I can see the payload "data" Webflow uses.  So I probably just need to put this in my custom API anyway.  I can insert the conditional to test for the form name (from Webflow).  I'd just been challenged by these dusty old cobwebs between my ears.  Hope y'all doing well.