Static IP Proxy?

Hi All,

One of the APIs that I'm working with requires that API keys be whitelisted with an IP address in order to access sensitive data. 

Xano doesn't offer static IP address support at the moment.  Is there some way I could proxy the outgoing call so that I'm able to have a static IP address? I'm unable to update the whitelisted IP address without logging into their software and changing it, which is not tenable as an ongoing soltuion.

Any help would be appreciated. 

Thanks, Lachlan. 


  • Lachlan McPherson
    Bumping this up, does anyone have any ideas how I would approach this? Has someone set this up in the past? 
  • Phillip Rousu
    I would love to be able to limit my key to Xano only as well, just trying to use Geocoding api thru Google..
  • Lachlan McPherson
    I explored this on an office hours session with .

    Did you happen to get any further with your exploration for a transitgateway api service? 
  • Phillip Rousu
    Meh, the more I thought about it, the less of a need for locking down my key.. its not like I am putting it in Github in a frontend codebase, sorry about your issue good luck! 

    Maybe theres a cloud function service somewhere you can harness that has a static ip?
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


     I don't see any quick fixes at the moment. 

    I just re-read your original post. It sounds like once you have the keys you don't need to worry about doing this again? Is that the case - is this a one time event?

    If so, then this can easily be achieved by just getting a server somewhere for about an hour and sending a curl request. (hoping this can get you unblocked)
  • Lachlan McPherson
     Thanks for the reply, there is one other call that requires the whitelist as well which needs to be called more frequently, unfortunately. All good we'll get this sorted externally and post into xano 👍
  • Juan Martínez-Almeida
    Hi ,

    You can set up an static IP in AWS and assign it to a NAT Gateway, create a Lambda function that receives your API call and make another one to the service that needs the whitelisted IP, when that service respond, the function send that response as reponse to your original API call.

    Your structure will be: API call -> Lambda function -> Third party service -> Lambda function -> API call
  • Lachlan McPherson
      thanks for the comment - looks like a suitable option for our use case. Cheers! 
  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator



    For anyone that stumbles upon this post in the future, Xano is now able to offer static IPs as a paid upgrade to certain plans. Please reach out to support directly if this is an option you'd like to inquire about. Thanks!