Removing an element from an array

I am not being able to remove an element from an array. I have followed this video:

So I first create a Get record function:[Captura de pantalla 2022-03-21 a las 15.58.46.png]
Then I create another function with the Find All Elements:[Captura de pantalla 2022-03-21 a las 15.59.29.png]And I configure it as suggested:[Captura de pantalla 2022-03-21 a las 15.59.46.png]But when I run and debug the API it tells me that it runs successfully but it does nothing. The provided element remains in the array. I don't know if I am missing some additional step.



  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Can you show the rest of your function stack?
  • Pedro Martínez
    Nevermind! I realized that it was returning a new array which I named and I needed to add an additional function to edit the record with this new array. Now it is working just fine. My only issue is that I receive in the console when I execute the action in the frontend a server error 500 but the action is properly done and the array is updated. So I am not sure about that 500 error. Thanks!