Xano to Fibery?

Has anyone connected Xano to Fibery?
Am I missing something here?

p.s I'm new to this 🙂[add custom app.png]I've copied the API Group Base URL but to no success. Thanks in advance everyone 🙂


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    To make a custom connection in Fibery you need to specify a "root" that serves up the shape Fibery is looking for. That won't be the Xano root because that serves the Swagger documentation. Instead, you make an endpoint (I called mine "fibery") and then other endpoints you want to serve need to start with "fibery/"

    Here are instructions that guide toward the endpoints you need, but discussing implementation using node. You just need to translate to doing the same "server-side" activities in Xano. 
  • Pandu Artana Putra
    Hello! Thank you for your answer Ray. In the meantime I'll be trying to figure out how to do that and probably ask again here if I hit another wall :)