Adding a new Env Variable to the extension for Mailgun

Hi there. I've been working with the Mailgun extension, which is awesome and works well, but this is both a heads-up and a request to the Xano team to update the extension slightly.

First off, the env variables help but we could do with another one in here for the API Base URL as this is different depending on whether you use a US or EU data centre. I found out by selecting the EU data centre in Mailgun but then couldn't set it as an env var in Xano. [image.png]What I did was to update the functions that had the API Base URL hard-coded in to include "eu" as per Mailgun's instructions: [image.png]I hope that helps improve the extension?


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Do you know that you can add and modify env variables in Xano? Click on "Settings", then click "Manage." Click "+ Variable" to add an environment variable. These are good for secrets or other information that does not change based on the users' context. 
  • Glenn McWhinney
     Yep, thanks - got that 🙂 This was more to alert people to the hard-coded value and to highlight it for the Xano dev team at the same team. May as well make an already great extension awesome, right?