Schedule for doctors by specialty

I don't know if this question fits here, but no tutorial on the channel helped me.
I need to create a scheduling system where doctors can configure the days of the week they will attend. As well as the consultation duration and the time interval between.
Is it possible to do this just using timestamp?  Or will I need some other featured?
Do you have any material for me to get out of scratch?
 &  could you create a tutorial talking more about scheduling. What do you think?[hubspot-schedule-setup.PNG]


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Your intuition to think in timestamps is right on, I think. Managing time is hard, so give yourself permission to take it slow. Sounds like you might want to consider what the pieces of your puzzle are. For example, you might have docs, appointments, availability schedules and/or rules for how things can be scheduled. Looking at existing scheduling tools like Calendly can give you a sense of the questions you should be considering. 
  • Marcelo Tolentino
    Tks Ray