Disappearing Data on Frontend (Adalo)

Hey all, after pulling my data from Xano to Adalo (particularly 'addon' data), the data disappears after like 1-2 seconds. Is anyone else experiencing that?

I have tried deleting the 'addon' and resetting it up. I have also tried doing my whole DB/API calling on a new Instance but still no luck.

Here's whats happening: 

Any help is greatly appreciated!


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    I have a couple of guesses. One is that adalo is somehow re-querying xano for this data, and either getting a null response or asking a different endpoint. You ca look in Xano at the recently run requests on a given endpoint to confirm whether or not there were extra questions asked fof the back-end

    If there were not - the problem could be local! Adalo under the covers uses react native for state management, so it might not be tracking the variables properly. At a glance, it looks like the problme is two levels down, soI wonder if you can grab the data and assign that URL to another variable for adalo to "remember" directly.

    I'd also check whether there are workflows that might be interfering. This is all the kind of thing where the devil might be in the details, so hoping these general ideas point you in useful directions! 
  • Joseph
    Joseph Member
    Hi Ray, thanks again for the suggestions.

    I tried assigning the URLs to other variables for Adalo to "remember" but checking the variables after, Adalo still has amnesia and seems to not be capturing any data from the query (this is only happening for the 'addon' data)
    *Not sure if this info helps but another addon seems to work just fine.

    I also checked the call requests for my endpoint and your initial hunch might have been right - there seems to be 3 calls made upon the page load for my 'posts'. If this shouldn't be the case, are there any methods I could use to fix this?

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
     So it looks like adalo is asking for "posts" after it goes to "posts/4". That's often referring to two endpoints - the "get me all the posts" and "get me posts 4". If they are returning different shapes - e.g. if only one uses the addon - you might get different and upsetting results. Is that something you can compare? I'd do run-and-debug tests and look at the results of each.
  • Joseph
    Joseph Member
    Its the other way around - it calls for "posts" 3 times on page load and then when I click onto a specific post(i.e. post 4), it calls for "posts/4".

    The baffling thing is that Im using both addons within the same GET for my "posts".
    1 addon for "likes" count
    1 addon for "user" details
  • Joseph
    Joseph Member
    Hi , I think this issue might be a bug. I brought this issue up on Adalo's forum as well and apparently the problem was re-created.

    Essentially, if one changes/renames the field name(table reference) in the database table, then one will experience the disappearing data when querying the 'addon'. If one sticks to the name(users_id) then one will not experience the problem.

    Problem re-created by Dilon Perera from Adalo: 