Update field in Xano from Adalo?

Does anyone know if it is possible, and how to update a field in the database in Xano from Adalo? The “Update” function has no effect, and when creating a custom function, in the editor test it works, but when putting the function in a button with this same function, it does nothing.


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    DId you confirm that the Xano endpoint is being called when you press the button? You can look via the Xano activity log. If so, the next step is to ask xano what got sent - maybe it's not quite the right stuff? And if not, we have an issue on the adalo side. (Doesn't matter to you which side its on, but it helps us narrow where the problem is)
  • Lofi
    Lofi Member
     It seems that when creating the custom action in Adalo, with the correct api, the id and the information to edit, it works correctly in the configuration, but when entering it in the button, Adalo does not send the information to Xano. It doesn't show up in Xano's log. I don't know how to fix it.