Introducing Lambda Support 🎉

Michael Udinski
Michael Udinski Administrator


Bringing code to a No Code platform on April 1st? Surprisingly this is NOT an April Fool’s joke! Xano now has support for Lambdas on all dedicated resource plans.
What is Lambda? ❓❓❓Lambdas seem to have multiple definitions depending on who you ask... anonymous functions, serverless functions, a snippet of code, etc. The most important takeaway is that it is a way to do business logic in a lightweight manner and return a result using a programming language. In Xano’s case this language is JavaScript. 
Wait a second... isn't Xano the No Code backend? 🤔Yes, Xano is 100% the No Code backend. More importantly, it is a Turing-complete backend, which means it can do anything a programming language can do through variables, conditionals, and loops.

The Lambda feature is a bit taboo, since technically it means that by allowing it to exist, one could argue that Xano has become a Low Code solution. We have thought long and hard on this topic and we strongly believe that the power of Xano increases with this Lambda functionality and we are letting our users decide if they want to use it or not.
Want to learn more and give it a shot? 🤓Check out our documentation to learn more about Lambdas and how to use them in Xano. We’ve added robust Lambda support including a new function stack item and filter to execute a Lambda, high order Lambda filters, and support for popular JavaScript libraries. 
