Lambda questions

Ray Deck
Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
First, Hooray for the Xano team and  pushing out this power tool! I have some technical questions that may be of interest to the community as well: 
1. What version of NodeJS does the lambda use?  
2. What is the maximum code size of a lambda?
3. What is the maximum execution time of a lambda? 
4. What is the way to return from an asynchronous context in a lambda? Is one to assume we are inside an async function context (e.g. the await keyword works) - but if we are in a callback context, how do we announce "I'm done!" - is there an output/return function one can call?
5. What is the scope for the dollar-sign variables? Are they inside some wrapper function, or are they direct members of "global"? 

Can't wait to really dig into this!


  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    😁😁😁 very excited with this release.

    1. Major version 16
    2. Not entirely sure. Lambdas tend to be small but we have large limits.
    3. We now support up to an hour API request, so we should fit nicely within those constraints.
    4. We support the async keyword, so if you have a callback you need to use the promisify function.
    5. They are globals except for the high order filter variants.
  • Inayet Hadi
    Inayet Hadi Member
    Hi , thank you very much for your help and assistance during office hours! and for showing me the replace filter on the API's URL that was too sweet. Look forward to booking time with you through your website to work on my personal project of Dialogflow CX, xano, and GHL. 

    Hello , just wanted to give you a shoutout for focusing on making xano better and better. You know a product is rocking when community users are finding ways to use features that even founders don't know about, to me this indicates that the co-founders have great team members focused on improving the product consistently. One of the reasons I like goHighLevel as my front-end is because one of the co-founders Shaun Clark always is excited about the various new ways the community of GHL has found ways to use it, and their constant improvements.

    I wish there was a way for me to use xano in a corporate environment, I work for a company and I have a side project eg how to automate our workflows, and we have API available internally and I would love to use xano to interact with that API and do cool with it so I and others on my team do not have to do them manually. Right now, we have to manually check a frontend site and review different markets to make sure that files are there, and those files meet certain guidelines if not then we need to escalate.  I know with xano this would be a lot easier.

    Howdy , I know my comments are not germane to the post, but I did not know where else to post to thank Ray and Prakash for their assistance during office hours.  
  • Prakash Chandran
    Prakash Chandran Administrator


     Thank you for the recognition!