Any access to the request history data?

Is it possible to receive alerts about errors in the API and / or alternatively is their access to the request history data (that can be accessed from the dashboard)?
Thanks in advance


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Yes! On the screen for an endpoint, click the "three dots" in the upper-right-hand corner, to the right of "run and debug". You will get a popup menu that includes "request history". And you're off!
  • Jacki Soikis
    Thanks for the help but I probably did not explain myself properly: 
    I am interested in building a mechanism that will send me a real-time alert when there is a problem with one of the APIs. If there is access to this information somewhere other than through the user interface then I can take advantage of it. 
  • Eli Beachy
    Eli Beachy Member
    Curious about this as well