Deleting a template doesn't remove the corresponding database?


I started playing around in Xano by exploring the templates from the Marketplace. One thing I can't solve is how to automatically remove the database that comes with a template when the template gets uninstalled? 

The APIs get removed, but the database remains, which means I have to open every single table, go to the settings and delete it there manually. I hope there is a better/quicker way, hm? 🤔



  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     we believe database changes should not be taken lightly. So we err on the side of caution when it comes to deletion of a table and its corresponding schema and records. It is up to the user to manually remove database tables. 
  • Dejan
    Dejan Member
     That makes sense and I guess no one will be deleting a lot of tables on a regular bases in an production enviroment, but I think it would be helpful to get those tables removed that come with a template (or at least have the option to delete them automatically) at the momement of uninstalling a template.

    I suppose this is mostly the issue for newcomers looking to learn about the platform by installing templates and examining how others have implemented something. 

    In some other (future) scenario, where the marketplace grows and offers 3rd party templates for purchase, this feature would seem important to have, otherwise DBs from templates get mixed with the existing ones and if the tables carry the same name (e.g. user, company, etc) it gets even harder to distinguish yours from those that came in with a template. Just my two cents. 🤷‍♂️