Comment Block For Code Notes

[image.png]Is there a way to comment code where I can have a visible comment block like:

### My Code Section

### Minor note within Section

When I build functions they can get complex over time and using the "Add Description" to the code, it loses the logic view, unless you hover over it which is an extra mouse move I don't need, for efficiency.


  • I build on desktop using winautomation and this is how I map out logic ahead of time[image.png]
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


     yes there is a comment icon right next to the eye ball icon in your screenshot.
  • Hey , that is the "Add Description" that I was talking about when I said I didn't  want to hover to see the underlying logic

    "When I build functions they can get complex over time and using the "Add Description" to the code, it loses the logic view, unless you hover over it which is an extra mouse move that I don't need, for efficiency"

    Also I want to flesh out the logic upfront how would I do that??


    ### Loop Menu API Page
    ### First get the items in

    ### Need to iterate into line-items

    ### If Customer doesn't exist add to DB for order reference

    ### See if menu item is in DB, If not, Then Add

    ### Add Order to DB reference Customer ID and Menu ID

    Now I can quickly mock everything up knowing where I'm at, and can come back to it at any time and just look at it no hover needed
  • I build automation systems using for Enterprise clients and we do the same thing there as well as Winautomation which is now called Power Automate since Microsoft bought them.
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    solid points - we will be rolling out v2 of our function stack over the next month. We will definitely take this into consideration.
  • Awesome to hear.. For now I just use a temp variable called z_note and pass a text value to see it on screen 🙂

    For anyone else looking to add comments to their code.[image.png]